So, I've kicked around the idea for a while to start a blog. Lots of motivation for doing so, of course. But mostly because I usually have something to say (as my kids and husband can attest to). And now I can say it to anyone who will sit long enough to stare at the the screen and read it. Of course I want to share all the goings-on of the family. I've never been a big scrapbooker (heavens, I'm waaaay to picky and it takes me too long!). So the journaling/record-keeping factor of blogging is a big draw (no die-cuts or cute stickers to ponder over w/ each posting...hopefully). But additionally, I've always wanted to share how an imperfect mom (myself) keeps plugging away at helping herself and her family grow a little more each day: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Some attempts work great and some, fail miserably. It may not be reality TV but it will be real!
I look forward to sharing with you...