Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bye, bye sugar!

So I decided to give up sugar.  For a month.  I've had so many nagging health issues lately such as weight gain (yes, that's a health issue), back pain, rotator cuff pain that I had to start somewhere.   I was inspired by this gal, Diane Hopkins and her story.  She and her daughter have been sugar free for 1 YEAR!!! and have no plans to go back.   I recently caught up on her blog about homeschooling and decided I needed to give it a try.  I'll let you know how it goes.    

I tend to be one of those people that once I have a cookie, I eat 10.  My husband asked if I was going to have any "free" days but I thoughtfully replied "No".  I just can't have it both ways.   The same goes for me and TV.  We finally cancelled the TiVo recently (which was supposed to help us watch LESS and no MORE tv) and only have basic cable hooked up on a tv in the basement which required a password to turn on.  It's been sooo wonderful.  I see the boys playing together so much more, even though I really tried to limit their TV watching before.  

I know that sugar can cause inflammation so that is my primary motivation for cutting it out of my diet.  I generally do not eat a lot of wheat either.  If I have a sandwich or something I usually end up feeling very bloated.  Hate that feeling!

Other supplements I am currently taking are: Vitamin D3, flax oil, trace minerals, and liquid iodine (for my thyroid).  I'm noticing with consistency my mood swings are slowly starting to improve.  I assume a lot of that has to do with the D3 which a lot of people see improvement with no matter how much sun you think you get.